Started looking online for places that performed body fat test by hydrostatic or also known as getting dunked. We were able to find a great guy, who has been professionally dunking people for more than 8 years. He travels to gyms, bootcamps, etc. so people can experience the dunk. It is 99% accurate so I felt pretty good about the results I was going to get.
I made the appointment, grabbed my bathing suit and headed down to the Natomas Racquet Club. The body fat test was in the parking lot and I did start to get nervous. But Mike was super friendly and made you feel pretty comfortable.
The first step was to get weighed. I wasn’t too happy when the scale flashed in big red numbers 113.8 but I had to remember I have been putting on some muscle or so I hoped. Then I hopped into the tank which was a nice warm 90 degrees (very nice when it’s the middle of winter). He gave me clear instructions on how to breath out all my air underwater and that we would do it three times. It definitely wasn’t as easy as I thought trying to get rid of all the air in my body.
I took my three dunks and was very anxious to see my results. He printed up four pages of information. I thought I was just going to get a number, but he gave me so much more than that. My body fat percentage was 21.5%. That put me in the fitness level
My resting metabolic rate, target weight, and how much I burn during 30 minutes of activities were also included in my analysis. I told him my goal for my body fat was 17% and he gave me suggestions on how to get there. I definitely think I’ll be able to make my goal. I’ll also go back in three months to see how much I’ve improved.
I would definitely suggest anyone interested in improving their health to get this done. I’m gaining weight but my size is getting smaller, so me weighing myself every day won’t be indicative of improving or declining health. There are many factors of that. And getting your body fat tested is one of them. Check out for more information.
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