So, I haven’t posted in awhile. Why? Well I got food poisoning. And not the kind of food poisoning where you have a tummy ache. The kind where you throw up so much you wonder if you still have a stomach. For at least 5 days I couldn’t eat. And I love to eat. But while I was in an out of consciousness, there was a few moments I was able to catch up on the news about celebrities being picked on for their weight.
Tara Reid said she is considered healthy and that she eats all the time and that the media is bullying her saying she is too skinny and unhealthy. Now I don’t think people necessarily care much about her life, but people worry about the easily impressed, like young girls. These young girls look up to these celebrities, whether parents like it or not, and aspire to be just like them. I know I did when I was young, which led to many bad fashion choices.
But Tara Reid has no health ailments, she isn’t battling cancer, and when I see her I see a very unhealthy person. Truly - That does not look like health. Now Guilliana Rancic is also too thin, but given her battle with cancer and the struggle with that, you can see her as someone working to try to get to a healthy weight. I can respect that.
Then there is Pink. She says media is picking on her for being too heavy. I agree with her – she is being picked on. She is isn’t obese or extremely overweight by any means. She probably eats vegetables but induldges sometimes too. A lot like me. Not sure I could ever give up PIZZA. All my friends have known me to be
And then there are the obese celebrities. I believe in loving your body no matter what size, but if you love your body that also means taking care of it. In most cases, people aren’t that heavy because they are eating lots of good fruits and vegetables. I can’t respect that, and if Vanessa asked I would tell her that isn’t healthy. Sorry!!!
I think we need to just look at people and honor what’s healthy. And I think when something is unhealthy, it is completely necessary to help youth distinguish between the two. And unfortunately, I know girls already Vanessa’s age that are struggling with their self image, but I guess I’ll save that for another post. But I think that comes down to the parents – we owe it to our kids to show them what is healthy and being a positive example is part of that. And we can ALL improve.
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